Risky Biz Soap Box: Six degrees of Domain Admin

Why your Active Directory is a mess and how you can fix it with Bloodhound...

Today’s soap box is an absolute cracker. We’re talking to Andy Robbins, the principal product architect at SpecterOps and one of the three original creators of the original open source version of Bloodhound.

If you don’t know what Bloodhound is, it’s a tool that grabs Active Directory information and turns it into a navigable graph. So if you’re an attacker you land on a network, enumerate directory information, and then map out a path to domain admin.

Bloodhound has been extremely popular with red teamers for years – to the point that it’s just a standard tool in the red team toolkit. But the team behind Bloodhound is now turning their attention to making Bloodhound a defensive tool as well as an offensive tool.

Risky Biz News: Hackers steal data on US House members

PLUS: Google and Meta sue South Korea's privacy agency; Chinese hackers backdoor SonicWall devices; Google discontinues Chrome Cleanup Tool.

A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Claire Aird.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast click here.

Srsly Risky Biz: Grandpa Biden, Cyber President

PLUS: The iCloud backup from hell...

In this podcast Patrick Gray talks to Tom Uren about the recently released US National Cyber Security Strategy. Tom really likes it because it sets out how the US will “win” by reshaping who is liable when crapware hits the fan. It’s got other stuff in it too…

Tom and Pat also discuss the story of an MSS agent being busted when trying to steal intellectual property from the aviation industry. He used the same iphone for both his personal life and his spying and his iCloud backups were an intelligence bonanza. These backups not only had messages to potential recruits, they also had had audio of meetings he’d recorded where he was discussing his approach to espionage.

Finally, we talk about the security risks that arise from the use of Chinese ship-to-shore cranes at ports. Apparently these are chock full of sensors and could be spying on port logistics.

Risky Business #698 -- Why LastPass was probably DPRK*

PLUS: A look at the White House cybersecurity strategy…

On this week’s show Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • Why the White House’s cybersecurity strategy is actually quite good
  • The LastPass breach was probably DPRK
  • UEFI bootkits are going downmarket, and this is bad
  • GitHub will scan repos for secrets
  • A look at some interesting DJI drone research
  • Much, much more

This week’s show is brought to you by Airlock Digital. Two of Airlock’s founders – Daniel Schell and David Cottingham – are this week’s sponsor guests.

* NOTE: We now think LastPass was likely not DPRK. It’s complicated and we’ll explain why we think we got this wrong in next week’s show

Between Two Nerds: A year of the Ukraine War

What have we learnt about how cyber operations can be used in warfare?

In this edition of Between Two Nerds Tom Uren and The Grugq look at how cyber operations have been used in the war in Ukraine. They examine what we know given the “fog of cyber war” and what “cyber warfare” might look like in future.

Srsly Risky Biz: Give Me E2EE or Give Me Death!

PLUS: beware of the tiny stick of regulation

In this podcast Patrick Gray talks to Tom Uren about Signal’s vow to pull out of the UK if the proposed Online Safety Bill requires it to weaken its encryption.

Tom and Patrick agree that end-to-end encryption isn’t at stake, but Signal could well be asked what steps it is taking to mitigate child exploitation and terrorist content. Patrick thinks there are useful steps Signal could take that would be helpful, but both Tom and Pat find it hard to imagine that Signal will actually make these choices.

They also discuss the US government floating the idea of shifting legal liability to technology manufacturers when they make terribly insecure products. Tom thinks this is an attractive idea, but the government would be better off doing much more to encourage transparency first.

Risky Business #697 -- LastPass attacker: Do you gotta hand it to 'em?

PLUS: Ransomware crew hits US Marshals service...

On this week’s show Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • A look at LastPass’s intrusion post mortem
  • A very stable genius decided to ransomware the US Marshals Service
  • Why Signal’s complaints about UK’s Online Safety Act are bad faith
  • Much, much more…

This week’s show is brought to you by Tines, the no-code automation platform. Its co-founder and CEO Eoin Hinchy joins the show in the sponsor slot, and you can check out a Tines demo we recorded with Eoin on YouTube.

Links to everything that we discussed are below and you can follow Patrick or Adam on Mastodon if that’s your thing.

Between Two Nerds: Making sense of cyber power rankings

Do they make sense or are they all rubbish?

In this edition of Between Two Nerds Tom Uren and The Grugq look at reports that try and distil a country’s cyber power into a single number so that they can be ranked and compared. Do these reports say anything useful and have any value?

An interview with Andrew Boyd, director of the CIA's Centre for Cyber Intelligence

Why the lessons learned in Ukraine may not help us in the Taiwan Strait…

In this interview the director of the CIA’s Center for Cyber Intelligence (CCI) sits down with Risky Business podcast host Patrick Gray to talk about:

  • What CCI actually does
  • The CIA’s role in cyber intel and operations
  • What lessons have been learned from Russia’s cyber campaigns targeting Ukraine
  • Why a cyber conflict with China will be very, very different
  • His views on the ransomware threat
  • Much, much more

Srsly Risky Biz: Move Over NSO, the Internet Has a New Villain

PLUS: Googles Russia report is a mixed bag...

In this podcast Patrick Gray talks to Tom Uren about investigations into the disinformation industry. One election interference for hire company, known as “Team Jorge”, provides a huge variety of dirty tricks services, but we think its claims of massive influence are overblown. Despite that, however, these companies are still corrosive for democracy and a scourge worth tackling. Patrick thinks they’re the “new internet villain” and will replace NSO as a target of hate.

They also discuss Google’s new report that covers Russian cyber operations in its invasion of Ukraine. On the whole a good report, but both Tom and Pat think some of it is problematic.

Finally, they talk about Patrick’s interview with the head of the CIA’s Center for Cyber Intelligence. It’s great to have intelligence officials explain how they see the cyber threat landscape and get their take on war in Ukraine and what that means for cyber operations in future conflicts.

Risky Business #696 -- Why Twitter had to kill SMS 2FA

PLUS: Semiconductor supply chain disrupted by ransomware...

On this week’s show Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • Why Twitter had to kill SMS 2FA
  • A look at Meta’s new verification service
  • How a ransomware attack disrupted the semiconductor supply chain
  • Why Anonymous Sudan is probably a Russian info op
  • Microsoft mixes up public and private keys in Azure B2C (for real)
  • Much, much more

This week’s show is brought to you by Proofpoint. Its Executive Vice President of Cybersecurity Strategy Ryan Kalember joins the show in the sponsor slot.

Links to everything that we discussed are below and you can follow Patrick or Adam on Mastodon if that’s your thing.

Between Two Nerds: Is cyberespionage actually signals intelligence?

In the Five Eyes signals intelligence organisations mostly own cyber operations, but other countries have different models. Is that the way it should be or just an accident of history?

In this edition of Between Two Nerds Tom Uren and The Grugq look at the differences and similarities between signals intelligence and cyber operations. Why did Five Eyes Sigint organisations end up ‘owning’ cyber operations and does that make sense, or should there be a separate cyber intelligence organisation?

Risky Biz News: Applied Materials to take $250m ransomware hit

PLUS: GoDaddy discloses multi-year breach; French-Israeli BEC gang detained; Russia plans to fine telcos that fail to implement its SORM surveillance system.

A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared by Catalin Cimpanu and read by Claire Aird.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast click here.

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