Risky Business #667 -- "Shields Up" for cyber's forever war

PLUS: A detailed discussion on the BPFdoor Linux malware…

On this week’s show Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • “Shields Up” advice is now provably meaningless
  • Russia to ditch offshore comms apps like WhatsApp
  • Evil Corp’s Lockbit sanctions evasion attempt backfires
  • Binance is a cesspit of shady financial dealings
  • Apple’s passkey release foreshadows FIDO mass adoption
  • Much, much more

This week’s sponsor interview is about Elastic’s teardown on some really interesting APT linux malware called BPFdoor. Jake King and Colson Wilhoit joined the show for that interview.

Risky Biz News: BPF malware is now a thing

PLUS: Russia to block calls from spoofed numbers; macOS to block unknown USB-C devices; and a new Tesla car hack.

A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared and presented by Catalin Cimpanu.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz News: LockBit-Mandiant drama, explained

PLUS: New iOS security features announced at WWDC and US warns of Chinese hackers targeting telcos.

A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared and presented by Catalin Cimpanu.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Business #666 -- The msdt RTF of DOOM

Hah. Classic Microsoft…

On this week’s show Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • The msdt/office lolbinapalooza
  • Microsoft to introduce sensible defaults to Azure
  • Twitter fined $150m for sms 2fa spam
  • It turns out npm got owned in that Heroku/Travis CI thing
  • AWS cred-stealing supply chain attack was research your honour, I swear!
  • Much, much more

We’ll be chatting with Airlock Digital co-founder and CTO Daniel Schell in this week’s sponsor interview. He’ll be walking us through some of his own research into how to own Microsoft boxes via document-embedded office add-ins.

Risky Business -- #665 You can ransomware whole countries now

PLUS: The US DoJ tells prosecutors to leave security researchers alone...

On this week’s show Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss the week’s security news, including:

  • Conti’s war against Costa Rica
  • DoJ revises CFAA guidance
  • Naughty kids get access to DEA portal
  • A look at a Russian disinfo tool
  • PyPI and PHP supply chain drama
  • Much, much more

This week’s show is brought to you by Thinkst Canary. Its founder Haroon Meer will join us in this week’s sponsor interview to talk about what might happen to infosec programs now the world economy is getting all funky.

Risky Biz News: STAR Labs wins Pwn2Own 2022

PLUS: Oracle and Cisco release emergency security updates; ArguePatch malware attacks in Ukraine.

A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared and presented by Catalin Cimpanu.

You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

SAMPLE PODCAST: Risky Biz News: FSB-linked DDoS tool could also be used for disinformation campaigns

A sample podcast from our new Risky Business News podcast...

The following is a sample of our latest podcast, Risky Business News, which is published into a new RSS feed. It’s a short podcast published three times a week that updates listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared and presented by Catalin Cimpanu. You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

Risky Biz Soap Box: While you're watching a quiet one a noisy one will kill you

Proofpoint's Ryan Kalember with some uncomfortable truths…

In this Soap Box edition of the show Proofpoint’s EVP of Cybersecurity Strategy Ryan Kalember joins host Patrick Gray to talk about why some security spending is just misguided. So much of the infosec industry is geared towards protecting organisations against exotic threats when, really, the trifecta of ransomware, BEC and staff being careless with data are the thing that will sink them.

Risky Biz News: Musk says Russia has ramped up efforts to hack Starlink

PLUS: DEA investigates breach of internal portal; CIA has a new CISO.

Correction: Joseph “Rich” Baich is the new CIA CISO, not its new CIO. This was reported correctly in the newsletter but a word was dropped during the podcast script read. Sorry about that!

A short podcast updating listeners on the security news of the last few days, as prepared and presented by Catalin Cimpanu. You can find the newsletter version of this podcast here.

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