RB2: SPONSOR PODCAST: Microsoft's Steve Adegbite on avoiding a computing nanny state

Presented by

Patrick Gray
Patrick Gray

CEO and Publisher

In the following interview, Microsoft's Steve Adegbite joins me for this interview about the potential for a nanny state operating system.

With all this rogue AV stuff floating about, the Microsofties are encountering a few fairly significant dilemmas on how to deal with this stuff. Should the OS only accept certain, known brands of AV? Well, then they're acting as a gateway and telling people what they can and can't run. Can't do that. What about a warning system like they did with device drivers? Well, that wasn't much good in the end because people just ignored the warnings.

So what can Microsoft do about this rogue AV problem?

RB2: SPONSOR PODCAST: Microsoft's Steve Adegbite on avoiding a computing nanny state
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